God Emperor Doom
God Emperor Doom
Programming shitpost series
1 - First post
2 - Building competitive alternatives to big tech
3 - A case study in Minds, and the next stepping stone
4 - The Decline and Fall of Minds.com
Religion shitpost series
1 - Cleansing The Temple
2 - Jewish and Roman influence on Christianity
3 - Random shit: Alphabets, Zealots, Gnostics
4 - Hello, Fellow Gentiles...? (Paul/Saul of Tarsus)
5 - The book of Daniel and Revelation/Apocalypse
Political shitposts
Massachusetts history: Shays' Rebellion of 1786
Why facism (loosely speaking) is on the rise
We could use a 1.5th Amendment
Anti-establishment conservative platform
> What the hell is this crap?
It's just a bunch of crap.
> Do you really believe we're all gonna die?
No, not anytime soon.