God Emperor Doom Why facism (loosely speaking) is on the rise

Why facism (loosely speaking) is on the rise

Mar 5 2021

Fascism (in some sense of the word) is genuinely on the rise, for many valid reasons. Harmless politically incorrect meming and shitposting is a rebellion against censorship. Fashwave is badass. More seriously, Antifa calls everyone and everything they're against "fascist", and unless you're naive, you have to believe that's better than whatever they support, i.e. Progressivism, Technocracy, Globalism, International Communism. I refer to that juggernaut as simply Communism and I believe it's a greater threat now than ever before.

The main reason, however, is that Conservatism and Libertarianism utterly failed to stop Communism. These pro-freedom political philosophies were too easily subverted by the forces of greed, the war pigs, the neocon globalists. It seems necessary to oppose them with an organized unified front... nationalism, populism, peace through strength, strength through unity... this is the appeal of Trumpism, which certainly has some parallels to Fascism.

That said, according to current proponents of hardcore Hitler-Mussolini Fascism and postwar Third Positionism, it is absolutely an authoritarian, technocratic, socialist, utopian ideology. If you don't sugar-coat it, it doesn't sound much better than hardcore Communism. Moreover, it too failed to defeat Communism. Even if it did, it would just succumb to corruption and never deliver on its utopian promises. Utopianism is the worst ideology of them all.

But it's pointless to worry about past and potential excesses of Fascism when an Orwellian Totalitarian system is openly asserting control over the entire world. Any movement that actually brings it down, as opposed to taking it over to serve a different totalitarian agenda, is good enough for today.